26 May The George Family
After going into complicated premature labor just 27 weeks into her pregnancy, Venessa and her unborn twin girls were airlifted from Carlsbad, New Mexico, to Lovelace Women’s Hospital in Albuquerque. “I was terrified. I hadn’t been on a plane since the 3rd grade, I was exhausted from being monitored all night, and I was still experiencing labor pains while strapped to a gurney. The whole time all I could think about was what would happen if the twins did arrive early.” Venessa says some of her fears started to melt away when she learned she could check in to the Ronald McDonald House just minutes from the hospital. “My favorite memory at the House is from my first morning there. At breakfast, every single person who worked there asked how I was doing. They insisted that I keep them updated on the pregnancy and even noticed when I wasn’t feeling well. That’s how much compassion they have.”
Eight weeks after that very first morning, Venessa gave birth to Chevelle and Celeste, who weighed less than 5lbs each. They stayed in the NICU, and Venessa stayed right around the corner at the House for six more weeks so both mom and babies could be close to the care they needed. “I never felt like I was in it alone while I was there. It is a “home-away-from-home.” Today, Venessa’s twins are thriving, healthy, and already have a twin language that baffles their siblings.